Paul Arden has written several books on advertising and motivation, having sold more than half a million copies I thought this one must be worth reading after being drawn in by the intriguing title. Paul Arden is known throughout the advertising industry as a creative genius, however sadly died last year. He was creative director at Saatchi and Saatchi and worked there for fifteen years. Responsible for campaigns such as British Airways, Silk Cut, The Independent, and Toyota, he has left quite an impression upon the advertising world. I was therefore interested to hear his words of wisdom.
'Its not how good you are, it's how good you want to be' is a witty and entertaining guide to making the most of yourself. Arden offers lessons of advertising and business. As a student this book is very helpful, giving an insight into the professional world of advertising and how to succeed. Arden also emphasises the need for mistakes and criticism to learn and improve. "The person who doesn't make mistakes is unlikely to make anything". Saying it is better to do something wrong and use your initiative than not do anything at all. Most relevant to me, he states that we should not look for praise in our work, but seek criticism and ask what is wrong with it. So often I feel disheartened from negative feedback, but rather than take it to heart I need to look at it constructively. After all there is nothing to be learnt from a tutor telling us how good our work is. I think this is a very important lesson to take from this book; to take a more positive attitude to mistakes and criticism. That and the need to aim high and be as motivated as possible.
Here are a few quotes that stood out for me:
"Nearly all rich and powerful people are not notably talented, educated, charming or good looking"
"Your vision of where or who you want to be is the greatest asset you have"
"Talent helps but it wont take you as far as ambition"
"Everybody wants to be good, but not many are prepared to make the sacrifices it takes to be great"
"Aim beyond what you are capable of"
After reading this post, it really inspired me and made me want to read this book. The quotes intrigued me and I agree a wise man with many words of wisdom!