As we pass the eighth anniversary of the September 11th tragedy, we see a new identity for it's memorial and museum, coinciding with the opening of the new 9/11 preview site. The name has been shortened considerably to a far more simple 9/11 Memorial, the aim of this was to make it more distinctive to the public. Created by Landor, the new identity reinforces the spirit of rebuilding. The clever highlighting of the '11' represents pillars of strength and solidarity, whilst also making reference to the twin towers. I think the identity is appropriate for such a sensitive issue, it is strong, simple and to the point, yet respectful. The symbolism of the '11' is also a clever device and adds a nice touch.
This identity is for the new memorial and museum dedicated to september 11th and will be ready to open in 2011 on it's 10th anniversary. The 9/11 preview site enables the public to view models, artifacts, images and stories and watch the development of the memorial and museum being built.

The design for the memorial was chosen from a competition of 5200 entries. Below is the winning design by architect Michael Arad and landscape architect Peter Walker.

The memorial covers eight acres in total, the main feature being 2 giant pools in the footprints of the world trade centre buildings. The pools will have the largest man made waterfalls in the country cascading into the bottom of each. I really admire this design, it emphasises the absence and feeling of loss in the middle of the city using the two large voids, whilst creating a beautiful space to visit. It is a powerful reminder of the buildings and the lives lost. The new identity and plans for the memorial does create a sense of the city rebuilding and moving forward.
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