This advert made me smile when I saw it on television the other day. Created by Saatchi and Saatchi, it comically celebrates the 250th anniversary of Guinness, with two men in their local pub toasting to the man behind the ale, Arthur Guinness. The toast then spreads to a neighboring pub where it is interpreted as Martha, and carries in a chinese whispers fashion around the world, becoming more diverse, where people from different nationalities and cultures over the world toast the brands founder. I have always admired the marketing power behind Guinness, and this advert is typical of the brand, a clever and witty concept that portrays a strong message. I have taken a look at some of their previous adverts, below is one of the most memorable, created in 1999 by AMV BBDO, it was named by channel 4 as one of the best television adverts of all time. Using the well known guinness line, good things come to those who wait.
More recently made is the iconic 'domino' advert. What I find so astounding about it is the shear scale of the production, it is therefore not surprising that it's one of the most expensive adverts ever made.
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