These stunning photographs embrace major ecological issues around the world and the threat they pose to our planet. Many depict scenes of natural beauty where global warming can be seen taking its effect.
I really like the abstract quality of these images, some I cannot even tell what they are of. What I find most successful about them, is that the photographer manages to evoke the feeling of the need for change. Not only are the scenes in these photos so appealing, but they are exquisitely captured. Taking them from above is a clever idea, as it puts a different perspective upon the world that we don't get to see. It is almost as though from the ground we are oblivious of the damage we are causing, but when seen from above it becomes clear.
I hope you were in Leeds a few years ago when this exhibition was on in the Millennium Square outside the College of Art and Design. I’m pretty sure it was this collection…definitely similar anyway. I’ve spent a couple of hours on google earth in the past taking screenshots of interesting land-masses. Not quite the same quality though. Liking your blog – you should write about your own work on here too. Did you have Fred Bates at Leeds? He was my tutor at College.